Lajme AL

7:00 am 05, 2013

Durrës Believers in the Arms of Jesus Christ During His Passion and Resurrection. (5 May 2013)

By |2020-04-12T17:39:08+02:005 Maj, 2013|Lajme AL|Komentet te Durrës Believers in the Arms of Jesus Christ During His Passion and Resurrection. (5 May 2013) Janë të Mbyllura

   It is a great blessing in the lives of each of us to celebration the passion and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. During this period we reflect on and understand many things. We feel the extreme love of the God-Man, who was sacrificed on the cross for our sins and conquered death once and for all.    The Great and Holy Week services,

6:28 am 05, 2013

Paschal Atmosphere in Gjirokastra. (5 May 2013)

By |2020-04-12T17:39:08+02:005 Maj, 2013|Lajme AL|Komentet te Paschal Atmosphere in Gjirokastra. (5 May 2013) Janë të Mbyllura

    In the Metropolis of Gjirokastra the paschal atmosphere prevailed. Under the auspices of His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Gjirokastra, His Grace Demetrios, throughout Holy Week and the night of the Resurrection, almost all the Orthodox churches of this metropolis held services and the Divine Liturgy for the believers.     This period is the most spiritual period of the ecclesiastical calendar and again this year,

12:43 pm 03, 2013

Theophany in Saranda 2013. (6 January 2013)

By |2020-04-12T17:39:12+02:0021 Mars, 2013|Lajme AL|Komentet te Theophany in Saranda 2013. (6 January 2013) Janë të Mbyllura

    It has become a tradition now for the Feast of the Blessing of the Water in our Metropolis to be celebrated in the city of Saranda with majesty. This is due to the fact that the Ionian Sea is close to the church. The Liturgy was led by the Metropolitan of Gjirokastra, His Grace Dhimitri. Besides the numerous believers, also present were the Consul

12:42 pm 03, 2013

Τίρανα – Εορτασμός των Θεοφανίων – Αγιασμού των Υδάτων στο νέο Καθεδρικό Ναό της Αναστάσεως του Χριστού. (6 Ιανουαρίου 2013)

By |2020-04-12T17:04:48+02:0021 Mars, 2013|Lajme AL|Komentet te Τίρανα – Εορτασμός των Θεοφανίων – Αγιασμού των Υδάτων στο νέο Καθεδρικό Ναό της Αναστάσεως του Χριστού. (6 Ιανουαρίου 2013) Janë të Mbyllura

     Η εορτινή ατμόσφαιρα των Θεοφανίων και του Αγιασμού των Υδάτων έγινε ακόμα πιο αισθητή αυτή τη χρονιά στα Τίρανα, αφού οι εκδηλώσεις έλαβαν χώρα στο νέο Καθεδρικό Ναό της Αναστάσεως του Χριστού. Εκατοντάδες πιστοί τον κατέκλισαν από τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες, αλλά όπως συμβαίνει στις μεγάλες εορτές, οι εκατοντάδες πιστών έγιναν γρήγορα χιλιάδες. Οι τεράστιοι χώροι ωστόσο του νέου Καθεδρικού Ναού απέκλεισαν με

12:13 pm 03, 2013

Gjirokastër: The Feast of the Metamorphosis of Christ was Celebrated on August 6th 2012.

By |2020-04-12T17:40:39+02:0021 Mars, 2013|Lajme AL|Komentet te Gjirokastër: The Feast of the Metamorphosis of Christ was Celebrated on August 6th 2012. Janë të Mbyllura

    The feast of August 6th, metamorphosis of Christ, is one of the major events that is celebrated in our Church and as such, this feast, with all the majesty that it merits, was celebrated in the Metropolis of Gjirokastra. Particularly, in the church that bears the name of this special day, which is located in the museum part of the city, dozens of believers

11:55 am 03, 2013

“Μαζί για την Ευρώπη”. (12 Μαΐου 2012)

By |2020-04-12T17:05:34+02:0021 Mars, 2013|Lajme AL|Komentet te “Μαζί για την Ευρώπη”. (12 Μαΐου 2012) Janë të Mbyllura

    Το Σάββατο, 12 Μαΐου, ο προαύλιος χώρος του Ιερού Ναού του Αγίου Προκοπίου στους λόφους της τεχνητής λίμνης στην πρωτεύουσα ήταν κατάμεστος από περισσότερους από 200 νέους και νέες, μέλη Ορθοδόξων Εκκλησιών, Ρωμαιοκαθολικής Εκκλησίας και Ευαγγελικής Αδελφότητας, οι οποίοι συμμετείχαν στη διευρωπαϊκή συνάντηση “Μαζί για την Ευρώπη”. Είναι τρίτη φορά που διοργανώνεται τέτοια συνάντηση (οι δύο προηγούμενες έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί το 2004 και 3007 αντίστοιχα).

9:12 am 03, 2013

– DECLARATION – (23 January 2011)

By |2020-04-12T17:40:48+02:0021 Mars, 2013|Lajme AL|Komentet te – DECLARATION – (23 January 2011) Janë të Mbyllura

  THE ORTHODOX AUTOCEPHALOUS CHURCH OF ALBANIA DECLARATION         With deep sorrow and pain in the spirit, we followed the dramatic events that took place a few days ago in the center of Tirana.  We offer heartfelt condolences to the families of those persons that lost their lives or were seriously injured.  In these critical days, we are obligated to stress once again, in

12:56 pm 03, 2013

Malishevë, 2010 – Again this Year, Camps for Children in Kosovo were organized with Great Joy. (16 – 31 August 2010)

By |2020-04-12T17:40:51+02:0020 Mars, 2013|Lajme AL|Komentet te Malishevë, 2010 – Again this Year, Camps for Children in Kosovo were organized with Great Joy. (16 – 31 August 2010) Janë të Mbyllura

    From the moment that the van appeared, the children of the commune of Malisheva welcomed their old friends by running to meet them. With childish smiles and openness, they began to sing and dance without regard for the weather conditions. The children from the primary classes have now become old friends and are very loving. They called the Albanian young people, ‘teachers’, although

11:56 am 03, 2013

Improvement of the schools’ infrastructure in the rural areas. (February 2010)

By |2020-04-12T17:40:53+02:0019 Mars, 2013|Lajme AL|Komentet te Improvement of the schools’ infrastructure in the rural areas. (February 2010) Janë të Mbyllura

    During 2010, Diakonia Agapes has implemented the project “A Healthy Lifestyle for Children” in the rural areas of Librazhd and Gramsh. In the project framework, Diakonia Agapes has collaborated with the elementary schools in both of these areas contributing towards the improvement of the teaching standards and conditions in these schools.     Between December 2009 - January 2010 Diakonia Agapes has supported the elementary

12:00 am 02, 2007

Durrës – Celebration of Theophania. (January 2007)

By |2020-04-12T17:42:32+02:0026 Shkurt, 2007|Lajme AL|Komentet te Durrës – Celebration of Theophania. (January 2007) Janë të Mbyllura

    On Saturday, January 6th, the Orthodox Church celebrated the Manifestation of God in the world as the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) at the very hour of Jesus Christ’s baptism.  God the Father testifies from Heaven:       “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased,” the Son of God who became man is being baptized, and the Holy Spirit

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