E Diela e Madhe & e Shenjtë e Pashkës, nga Mitropolitit të Apollonisë & Fierit, H. Nikolla, 16.04.2023 (Tekst)
Krishti u Ngjall!
Në kohën e sotme, me tërmetet, përmbytjet, zjarret edhe sidomos me ftohjen e besimit, me prishjen e marrëdhënieve shoqërore dhe rënie morale, duket sikur i ligu po korr një fitore të madhe. Kështu u duk edhe kur djalli pa Krishtin në Kryq, edhe të vdesë. U duk si një tjetër fitore e tij. Por vdekja e Krishtit ishte kurthi me anën e të cilit Zoti mundi pushtetin e vdekjes dhe të djallit. Këtë besojmë se do të ndodhë edhe në ditët e sotme. Në të njëjtin kurth do të bjerë edhe shoqëria e shthurur dhe indiferente ndaj besimit. Zoti Krisht, me Vdekjen dhe Ngjalljen e Tij do të tregojë se Ai e mundi botën për të krijuar një botë të re, të përjetshme të Mbretërisë së Tij.
Dhëntë Zoti të jetojmë edhe ne në të!
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Χριστός Ανέστη!
Στις ημέρες μας, εποχή των σεισμών, των κατακλυσμών, των πυρκαγιών και κυρίως της ψύχρανσης της πίστης, όπου κυριαρχεί η διάλυση των κοινωνικών σχέσεων και η ηθική πτώση φαίνεται πως ο πονηρός πετυχαίνει διαρκώς μεγάλη νίκη.
Έτσι φάνηκε και όταν ο διάβολος είδε τον Κύριο να πεθάνει επάνω στο Σταυρό.
Όμως ο θάνατος του Χριστού δεν ήταν παρά η παγίδα με την οποία ο Κύριος νίκησε την εξουσία του θανάτου και του διαβόλου. Αυτό πιστεύουμε πως θα συμβεί και στις ημέρες μας.
Στην ίδια παγίδα θα πέσει και η διαλυμένη και αδιάφορη προς την πίστη κοινωνία. Ο Κύριός μας Ιησούς Χριστός με τον Θανατό του και την Ανάστασή του, θέλει να μας δείξει ότι Εκείνος νίκησε τον κόσμο για να δημιουργήσει ένα άλλο καινούριο αιώνιο κόσμο της Βασιλείας του.
Ας μας δώσει ο Κύριος να ζήσουμε και εμείς σε αυτή!
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Christ is Risen!
Nowadays, amidst the earthquakes, the floods, the fires, and especially the wavering faith, the breakdown of social relations and the decay of moral values, it appears that the devil is reaping great success.
It also seemed to be the case when the devil saw Christ dying on a Cross: it seemed to be another victory of the evil one. However, the death of Christ was the trap through which God overcame the power of death and the devil.
We believe that this same thing will happen even in these days. The licentious society with its indifference to faith will fall into the same trap. Through His Death and Resurrection, Our Lord Jesus Christ shows that He conquered this world in order to create a new one, which is the world of His Eternal Kingdom.
May our Lord help us to live in His Kingdom!
The Metropolitan of Apolonia & Fier +Nikolla.