Press Office

Essential Refutation

Falsehoods are periodically presented to support the fictious mendacity that the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania is “under the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church”. An article of this vein was recently published online in English and titled “Στῶμεν καλῶς, στῶμεν μετά φόβου”. The author of this article is Ilias Damianakis, a resident of the U.S.A. and an Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate as he himself notes. Within this article which refers to the interests of Russians to expend their influence within the Orthodox Church, he states “While the efforts of international oligarchs with vested interests have contributed to the rebuilding or restoration of over 250 churches (in Albania), their focus seems to lean more towards these endeavors rather than strictly adhering to Orthodox canonical principles”. As the context indicates the term “international oligarchs” implies Russians. This is a malicious and flagrant lie.

The Orthodox Church of Albania, in her official reports, has published the facts: “during her reconstruction from the ruins, over 160 churches (large and small) have been built, 68 churches and monasteries that are designated as cultural monuments have been renovated and restored, and over 170 preexisting churches have been restored”. None of these buildings are connected to “international oligarchs” of Russian origin. Accusations of this kind are simply a fabrication to support the falsehood that the Church of Albania “finds herself within the funnel of Russian propaganda”.

The Holy Synod of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania takes its decisions, always, with a constant concern for the unity of Orthodoxy and its convincing witness in the modern world.

Tirana, 30 August 2023