Orthodox Spirituality

22 09, 2017

The Kingdom of God

By |2020-04-12T17:23:19+02:00September 22nd, 2017|News - ΕΝ, Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on The Kingdom of God

    God’s gift of eternal life in Christ and the Holy Spirit is the Kingdom of God. Jesus has brought the Kingdom of God to the world through the Spirit in the Church. Spiritual life is life—already now—in the Kingdom of God.     Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and

22 09, 2017

The Sacraments

By |2020-04-12T17:23:19+02:00September 22nd, 2017|News - ΕΝ, Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on The Sacraments

    The spiritual life of the Church is given to men in the sacraments. The sacraments are called the holy mysteries, and the entire life of the Church is considered to be mystical and sacramental.     The new life in Christ, the genuine life of God, is given to man in baptism, the new birth and new creation of man in Christ by

22 09, 2017

The Church

By |2020-04-12T17:23:19+02:00September 22nd, 2017|News - ΕΝ, Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on The Church

    The new and abundant life given by God to man through Christ and the Holy Spirit in creation and redemption is the life of the Christian Church. The life of the Church is the life originally willed for man and his world by God. It is the life of God Himself originally given in creation. It is the spiritual life.     One

22 09, 2017

The World and the Flesh

By |2020-04-12T17:23:19+02:00September 22nd, 2017|News - ΕΝ, Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on The World and the Flesh

    In the scriptures and in the spiritual tradition of the Church, the expression “the world” has two different meanings. In the first, “the world” is the expression of all of God’s creation. As such it is the product of God’s goodness and the object of His love.     According to the scriptures, God creates the world and all that is in it.

22 09, 2017

The Devil

By |2020-04-12T17:23:19+02:00September 22nd, 2017|News - ΕΝ, Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on The Devil

    The scriptures and the lives of God’s saints bear witness to the existence of the devil. The devil is a fallen bodiless spirit, an angel created by God for His service and praise. Together with the devil are his hosts of wicked angelic powers who have rebelled against the goodness of God and seek to pervert and destroy God’s good creation.    

22 09, 2017


By |2020-04-12T17:23:19+02:00September 22nd, 2017|News - ΕΝ, Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on Sin

    Sin, according to the scriptures is “lawlessness” and “wrongdoing” (1 Jn 3.4, 5.17). To do wrong and to be unrighteous is to sin. In the Greek language the word sin originally meant “missing the mark,” that is, moving in the wrong direction, toward the wrong aims and goals. It means choosing and going in the way of death, and not the way of

22 09, 2017


By |2020-04-12T17:23:19+02:00September 22nd, 2017|News - ΕΝ, Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on Man

    Man, according to the scriptures, is created “in the likeness of God” (Gen 1.26–27). To be like God, through the gift of God, is the essence of man’s being and life. In the scriptures it says that God breathed into man, the “breath [or spirit] of life” (Gen 2.7). This divine teaching has given rise to the understanding in the Orthodox Church that

22 09, 2017

The Holy Spirit

By |2020-04-12T17:23:19+02:00September 22nd, 2017|News - ΕΝ, Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on The Holy Spirit

    A person can abide in Christ, accomplish His commandments and be in communion with God the Father only by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in his life. Spiritual life is life in and by the Holy Spirit of God.     If you love Me [says Christ], you will keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He

22 09, 2017


By |2020-04-11T23:13:15+02:00September 22nd, 2017|Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on Christ

    Christian spirituality is centered in Christ. Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God who was born as a man of the Virgin Mary in order to give man eternal life in communion with God His Father.     In Jesus Christ “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Col 2.9). In Him is the “fullness” of “grace and truth” (Jn 1.16–17) and

22 09, 2017


By |2020-04-11T23:13:15+02:00September 22nd, 2017|Orthodox Spirituality|Comments Off on God

    Christian spirituality is centered in God; in fact, its very goal is communion with God, which is attainable through the accomplishment of His will. To be what God wants us to be and to do what God want us to do is the sole meaning of our human existence. The fulfillment of the prayer “Thy will be done” is the heart and soul

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