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21 03, 2013

A meeting of Theological Schools takes place in Thessaloniki in Greece: Members of our Church take part in there. (March 2011)

By |2020-04-13T00:31:07+02:00March 21st, 2013|News - ΕΝ, News old page|Comments Off on A meeting of Theological Schools takes place in Thessaloniki in Greece: Members of our Church take part in there. (March 2011)

   It is obvious today the presence and the role of the Orthodox Church in the Ecumenical Movement. The World Council of Churches (WCC) organized in Thessaloniki  a conference in which Four Orthothodox Theological schools took place: the Department of Theology in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki which was the host of this meeting, the Department of Theology in Sibiut University of Romania, the Department

21 03, 2013

The Celebration of the Great Feast of Saint Vlash. (February 2011)

By |2020-04-13T00:31:07+02:00March 21st, 2013|News - ΕΝ, News old page|Comments Off on The Celebration of the Great Feast of Saint Vlash. (February 2011)

    Again this year for the Feast of Saint Vlash believers gathered at his monastery, not only from the surrounding area, but also from Divjaka, Berat, Elbasan, Tirana, etc. The celebration began on the evening of the 10th of February with the Great Vespers, the Blessing of Five Loaves, and the services of the Akathist Hymn, Small Compline and Prayers Before Holy Communion. The Divine

21 03, 2013

Orthodox Youth Share the Cake of Saint Basil. (January 2011)

By |2020-04-13T00:31:08+02:00March 21st, 2013|News - ΕΝ, News old page|Comments Off on Orthodox Youth Share the Cake of Saint Basil. (January 2011)

      The tradition of sharing the cake of Saint Basil was held once again this year at the Orthodox Youth Centre of Tirana, “Bethlehem House”, which for years has organized a special activity for this feast. Dozens of young people, led by their spiritual director, Father Justin, were gathered on January 23rd to share the cake of Saint Basil and to try to find

21 03, 2013

Clergy and Believers Wish Archbishop Anastasios ‘Many Year’ for His Name Day. (January 2011)

By |2020-04-13T00:31:08+02:00March 21st, 2013|News - ΕΝ, News old page|Comments Off on Clergy and Believers Wish Archbishop Anastasios ‘Many Year’ for His Name Day. (January 2011)

   January 22nd, the feast of Saint Anastasios the Persian, is a special day for our Church, because it is the name day of His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios. Every year, the clergy, faithful and numerous friends of the Archbishop wish him that, “God grant you many years, many and blessed years.”    The celebration of this day began with the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral

21 03, 2013

The Tour of the Exhibition “Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Manuscripts in Albania” Begins; the First Stop is Korҫa. (January 2011)

By |2020-04-13T00:31:08+02:00March 21st, 2013|News - ΕΝ, News old page|Comments Off on The Tour of the Exhibition “Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Manuscripts in Albania” Begins; the First Stop is Korҫa. (January 2011)

    After the very successful opening in the capital of Tirana of the Exhibition “Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Manuscripts in Albania”, the Exhibition began touring the main cities of Albania with the goal of making known these treasures to the general public. The official opening of this Exhibition was held on January 7th, in Korҫa at the facilities of the “Vangjush Miho” Cultural Centre. The Exhibition

21 03, 2013

The Position of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, on the Draft of the Law for Pre-university Education. (January 2011)

By |2020-04-13T00:31:08+02:00March 21st, 2013|News - ΕΝ, News old page|Comments Off on The Position of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, on the Draft of the Law for Pre-university Education. (January 2011)

   The Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania examined carefully the draft of the law "for the Pre-University System of Education in the Republic of Albania" and in its response directed to the Ministry of Education expressed thoughts and concerns about the religious issues addressed in it.     The opinion expressed by the relevant bodies of the Church is that the Article 36, paragraph 4,

21 03, 2013

The Feast of Theophany is celebrated with high solemnity all around Albania. (January 2011)

By |2020-04-13T00:31:09+02:00March 21st, 2013|News - ΕΝ, News old page|Comments Off on The Feast of Theophany is celebrated with high solemnity all around Albania. (January 2011)

    Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the veneration of the Trinity was revealed. For the voice of the Father gave witness to You, calling You Beloved,  and the Spirit, in the guise of a dove, confirmed the certainty of His words. Glory to You, Christ our God, who appeared and enlightened the world.         These were the words that

21 03, 2013

The 13th Annual National Festival of Orthodox Albanian Youth. (26 December 2010)

By |2020-04-13T00:31:09+02:00March 21st, 2013|News - ΕΝ, News old page|Comments Off on The 13th Annual National Festival of Orthodox Albanian Youth. (26 December 2010)

    Adding to the beautiful atmosphere created by the Christmas feast, on December 26th the Orthodox youth from the four dioceses of Albania participated in the National Youth Festival organized by the Orthodox Central Youth Office, under the care of the Archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, Archbishop Anastasios.       This activity was held in the hall near the Church of the Annunciation

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