Orthodox Autocephalus Church Of Albania

The Church of Albania regarding

the persecution of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church by Law 8371.


Persecution, imprisonment, sacrilege of places of worship, confiscation of property of churches and monasteries are brutal acts.  They become more horrible when the legislatures of democratic countries impose them.

The recent Law 8371/24.8.2024 of the Parliament of Ukraine is clearly aimed at abolishing the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. In this way, millions of Ukrainian Orthodox believers, numerous bishops, priests, monks and nuns, who are under the leadership of Metropolitan Onufriy and who are members of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, are persecuted.

According to the Apostle Paul’s commandment, “If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it” (1 Cor. 12:26), in solidarity with our persecuted brethren, we pray fervently for the cessation of bloody hostilities, which injure without exception all the Ukrainian people, and for the abolition of this absurd law and the peace and unity of Orthodoxy, so that She can offer Her witness to the world.


Tirana 26.8.2024