Mr. Bajram Begaj, the President of Albania, wished Archbishop Anastasios on the occasion of Christmas.


On Christmas Day, December 25, 2022, after the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Anastasios warmly received the President of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Bajram Begaj and his family at the Headquarters of the Holy Synod. The President extended his wishes to His Beatitude and all the faithful on the occasion of Christmas Feast Day.

Regarding this meeting, the President claimed that “During the reception we had with His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios Janullatos at the Orthodox Cathedral, I wished the Archbishop on the occasion of Christmas day. And I also wished him about his anniversary of serving as Bishop for 50 years and as Archbishop of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania for 30 years. May this celebration be as prosperous as possible for all the orthodox faithful and Albanian people in general!”


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Presidenti Begaj uroi Kryepiskopin Anastas për Krishtlindje