Christmas Celebrations in Tirana.

On December 25, 2022 we celebrate the bright feast of Christmas. Christ came into the world to bring the man closer to God and to restore the deformed image as a result of the sin.

In the Holy Scripture we read: Jesus comes to be born “in order to destroy the Evil’s works “(I Jn. 3:8). Apostle Paul says that “Jesus Christ came to the world to save the sinners among whom I am the first” (I Tim. 1:15).

He came to proclaim the truth “Therefore I was born and came to this world in order to proclaim the truth” (Jn18:37). “I came to the world like the light so that whoever believes in Me will not stay in the dark” (Jn 12:46). And in order to save those who have lost their way” (Jn. 19:10). Apostle Paul will remind us in the apostle text on the celebration of Christmas the following: “But when the fullness of time had come God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might become children of God” (Gal. 4:4-5)

On this occasion the churches of the Archiepiscopate and the Metropolises were full of faithful and the Divine Liturgy was grandiosely celebrated on this holy day.

The Panegyric Liturgy in Tirana was celebrated by Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and all Albania, His Beatitude Anastasios who served together with the Metropolitan of Amantia, His Grace Nathanaeil, Bishop Asti of Bylis and clergy from the town.

Towards the end of the Liturgy, the sermon by Archbishop Anastasios was read. He said, “The burning desire for peace has recently turned into a daily pain, a cry and a plea towards hundreds of people. Due to the unacceptable catastrophic war between Russia and Ukraine, an immense bitterness prevails. At the same time, there are armed conflicts in Syria, Yemen and, more generally, in Asia and Africa. Also the terrorist attacks are frequent in large Western urban areas. The world continues to be plagued by other types of war such as economic, diplomatic and ideological ones. Violence and arbitrariness did not spare even the desecration of holy places. On behalf of various powers, disinformation is used as a weapon of war to subjugate the thinking and conscience of many people.”

Christmas spirit highlights not only our plea and desire for peace but it shows also the way for achieving it…”


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Kremtimi i Krishtlindjes në Mitropolitë.