Three national girls’ summer camps were held


The first camp for girls


First of all, we want to express our gratitude to Archbishop Anastasios for his financial and spiritual support for the organization and maintenance of the summer camps. This is an investment in the transformation of the lives of 69 girls.

Their camp experience during the ten camp days helped them to listen, learn, understand, and experience God. They had the opportunity to read the whole Gospel of Mark and to learn all that Christ did for our salvation. This was an opportunity for each of them to reflect about life and get to know themselves better in the light of Christ. The camp program helped them to know and experience Christ through prayer, reading of the Scriptures, reflection, Bible study, and papers.

The chosen theme for this year was “Everything you do, do it for the Lord.” Five references were held during the camp during which helped the girls to learn about God, to respond to His Call, to reflect on their choices and to manage the difficult situations. They learnt how to change their lives, making wise choices, and living their life in the new light of resurrection. All these topics were held based on the various stories in Mark’s Gospel.

The program of the camp varied and every part of it (e.g Bible studies, topics, crafts-work, and games) were in accordance with the general theme of the camp and each activity served to fulfill the same purpose. The camp had various spiritual, educational and entertaining activities which girls enjoyed. Every morning they faced a new challenge and a beautiful day full of unexpected experiences followed.

For the girls and for us as leaders, it was an unforgettable experience to participate in the enlightening and rebirth of our young sisters. Six girls who were baptized joined our Church during their stay in the camp. Their baptism was carried out at the monastery of St. John the Vladimir and was conducted by the priest of this monastery, Fr. Irine Gega.


Gabriela Hope


The Second Camp for Girls


On July 12 to 21, the second camp for girls took place at St. Joan the Vladimir Monastery, near Elbasan. About 65 girls from 14 to 17 years old participated in this summer event, which has been organized by the Orthodox Church for several years now.

The girls who participated were almost from all the metropolises of our country and as a general theme of the camp this year was the verse: “Everything you do, do it for the Lord” taken from the letters to the Colossians.

For ten days, the camp helped the girls to go through a deeper experience of their Orthodox faith through prayer, study of the Scriptures, speeches from various speakers, caring for the people in need, creative and entertaining activities, songs, games etc.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all those who made possible the realization of this camp, especially to Archbishop Anastasios, who has made possible the organization of these annual camps since 1996.


Elisabeta Shqau


The Students’ camp


It has already become a tradition that, with the blessing of Archbishop Anastasios, this camp is held in the monastery of St. Joan the Vladimir. It lasted from July 23 to August 2. Approximately 30 girls attended, coming from different metropolises. The purpose of the camp was to increase and strengthen their faith and friendship with one another.

The program had services, lessons about faith, spiritual conversations, sermons, pilgrimages, discussions on social topics, handicrafts, sports games and entertaining activities. All the girls participating in the camp were given the book of Archbishop Anastasios “Spiritual Journey”.

It was really impressive for the girls the spiritual conversation they had with Sister Paisia. During her conversation with the girls, she stressed the importance of faith in our lives, encouraging them to have a personal relationship with God. The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Enthronement of His Eminence Joan coincided with the Camp III period, and therefore, on 25 July, the girls went to Korca to take part in the celebrations on this occasion. There were also pilgrimages to the monastery of St. Naum in Ohrid and St. Basil’s Monastery in Ostrog, Montenegro. The visit to these sacred places helped girls strengthen their faith, learn to venerate the church saints and have them as an example of inspiration in their path to sanctification.

On August 2, the camp girls had the blessing of participating in the Divine Liturgy for the 26th anniversary of the canonical revival of the Church, where they had the opportunity to thank Archbishop Anastasios for his love and care shown towards the youth.


Parashqevi Gega

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