After one year of restoration work, the Dormition of Theotokos church in Kosina in Permeti is fully reconstructed. The restoration project as well as the supervision and application of the work was made possible by the Cultural Heritage Foundation of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania. The project was approved by the National Council of Restoration in the Ministry of Culture. The realization of this project was thought out and funded by Archbishop Anastasios with a cost of 4,435’395 ALL.

Restoration works consisted of: masonry joints, vertical crevices and gutters, injecting on existing walls, dismantling the existing roof, repairing the grooves from cracks and damages, roofing with new tiles of the same size with the existing ones and also replacement of doors and damaged windows. The whole church underwent massive derailment of perimeter soils, which had been ruined with time by “submerging” the original volume of the church. In the part near the masonry, drainage work was carried out to remove the water from the building. A cobbled pavement was laid over, which would surround the church in a perimeter way. Works were also carried out in the interior of the church, such as floor repair and filling of damaged plaster where there was no wall painting. Also side doors from the north and west were re-opened.

The Dormition of Theotokos Church in Kosina is of a dome-shaped cross style and consists of a narthex, a naos and an altar. Referring to its exterior, morphology and decorative elements, this church dates back to the 12th century. The Dormition of Theotokos Church has the features of Byzantine architecture. This church has a special role in our Orthodox spiritual and cultural heritage, and is part of the large group of monuments of churches which are restored by the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania..

Archbishop Anastasios received a thank you- letter by the Orthodox faithful of the area and the church community for the restoration of such a precious treasure of Orthodox faith, but also for the complete restoration of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania.


Architect – Renovator
Mr. Gentian Stratobërdha,
“The Cultural Heritage Nucleus”,
The Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania




A Thank – You Letter of Gratitude by the community of the Dormition of Theotokos Church in Kosina


Your Beatitude,

On this day of the celebration of the feast day of the Dormition of Theotokos we, the Orthodox faithful of the Dormition of Theotokos Church in Kosina and other faithful coming from Permeti are addressing this letter to you wishing from the bottom of our heart that our Lord, with the intercession of His Holy Mother grant you abundant grace, enlightenment and health!

Your Beatitude,
After the end of the worshipping services in our holy monastery, which is dedicated to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, we are here to express in written form our gratitude towards you. This is because we are overjoyed to celebrate this year in a completely new and reconstructed building. It was your initiative, your constant care and the funds that you collected with much effort, which made all this possible. The restoration work, thanks to your care, was carried out according to all the contemporary rules and techniques of restoration of the worshipping objects and monuments of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Orthodox Community. Lots of restoration work has been done in the surrounding environment, which has made our village even more attractive.

We acknowledge the tremendous treasure that our Orthodox faith possesses which is also a sign of respect and devotion of our Community towards God. The Orthodox Church has historical and legal rights that are sanctioned upon testimonies and we feel responsible for the maintenance and promotion of these rights, which we should pass to the newer generations as an inheritance.

Your Beatitude,

You have constantly encouraged us to think that it is not only the technical works or others of the same historical and cultural value which are done in our church that matter but it is the extent to which we experience our faith that really counts. This church, like many others, was repurposes taking its original shape and form, in order to host the worshipping and spiritual activities of our community. Thanks to your continuous care and support over the years, it is revived. Now there is a priest serving here and many services are carried out.

Therefore, in this letter which cannot hold it all, we extend our deepest feelings of gratitude and our warmest wishes for a long and healthy life! Our Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, which has been reestablished thanks to your work, wisdom and sacrifice, still needs you to serve it through your love as you have done till today.

May the Holy Theotokos listen to our prayers on her feast day! Amen!

Kosine, August 15, 2018



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