Archbishop Anastasios Receives Albanian Citizenship after 25 Years of Service


In a letter delivered on December 24th 2017, His Excellency Mr. Ilir Meta, President of the Republic of Albania, offered his heartfelt congratulations to His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës and all Albania who was granted Albanian citizenship by presidential decree no. 10700/22.12.2017.

The letter was handed to the archbishop at the Synodical Center of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania by Ambassador Mr. Arben Cici, director of the Albanian president’s cabinet. In his letter, the president referred to the great contribution of the archbishop “who has contributed with devotion to the complete canonical and spiritual revival of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania” in his work “in the field of education, health, social welfare, rural development, culture, and the environment,” and “for his contribution to maintaining the harmony, tolerance, and coexistence of the Albanian people.”

The president also recalled that Archbishop Anastasios has been decorated with many titles of honor over the years.

For his part, the archbishop expressed his joy and thanked the president for his decision to grant citizenship, noting that since his election to the post of Archbishop, he has always felt and acted as a responsible citizen of the country. Such a decision gives joy first of all to the orthodox community in the country as it fulfills their longstanding desire and just patience.

Finally the Albanian primate stated, “Time adds value to certain things, like wine. Of course, my 25-year experience gives this decree special significance and importance.”