These are the words with which the Metropolitan of Korça, His Eminence John began his sermon at the height of the celebrations, during the Divine Liturgy held on Christmas. It was this message that reminded us once again of the reasons why we celebrate with joy and look forward to Christmas.
The Metropolis of Korça was very active preparing spiritually for the celebration of this feast. Various services were held in all the churches, ceremonies, various artistic activities with a Christmas theme etc., were held throughout the week before this great feast.
Thus, in the Cathedral “Resurrection of Christ” on December 17th a beautiful concert was given by the school, “Sevasti Qiriazi”, while on the 19th of December, a very nice concert was also held, with songs, melodies and hymns about Christmas, which was the fruit of a wonderful collaboration of both schools, the artistic school, “Tefta Tashko”, and the Greek-Albanian school “Omiros”. This concert was honored by the participation of representatives from local government, foreign consular offices in this city, by professors and by many citizens and residents of the area of Korça. These concerts helped everyone feel more completely the humbling and loving spirit of Christmas.
Obviously throughout the Metropolis, in every village and church it was easy to distinguish the festive atmosphere which made participation in Church services more impressive. All the churches were decorated and especially the Cathedral of Korça, which conveys a special beauty to the city, especially when it is decorated with festive colors. So, with this festive atmosphere the days passed and we arrived at the 24th of December when the Divine Liturgy was celebrated in all churches of the city, as well as the service of the hours, which from the liturgical aspect is one of the most beautiful services that the Church has. This was an excellent opportunity to follow all the religious ceremonies, and then to conclude with the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil. This is the moment when the spiritual celebrations culminate and they continue with the Liturgy held on Christmas day which was attended by hundreds of faithful and where Metropolitan John again directed to the believers the spiritual words mentioned in the passage above.
When the liturgy was ended many believers, with mystical joy and gladness in their hearts, rushed to congratulate warmly His Eminence John in the Metropolis headquarters. However, the wishes did not stop here. The greatest miracle happened when all the Orthodox believers received wishes from the believers of other religions because of the harmonious religious coexistence among people and the mysterious miracle that permeates the feast of Christmas that affects everyone.
Wholeheartedly all during this feast wish that humility, love, simplicity and everything that characterizes it, inspires and teaches us that the birth of Jesus Christ is to become an inseparable part of our daily lives.
Themistokli Bambulla
Teolog-Msc Psikopedagogji