The high point of the feast is surely the morning of December 25th, when all the Orthodox go to their churches to celebrate the bodily Birth of Christ, and to partake of His Body and Blood. In Berat, as is the tradition, the Divine Liturgy began early at 6am, led by the Metropolitan of Berat, Vlora and Kanina, His Eminence Ignatius. After the Liturgy the reception at the Holy Metropolis of Berat took place, where the higher local authorities, representatives of religious communities and many believers were present.
This same atmosphere was experienced in every church of our Metropolis, in the districts of Fier, Lushnja and Vlora. Also in many churches of this region the Divine Liturgy began early, around 6am. In the main churches a reception also took place. A joyful and festive atmosphere was created in the beautiful environments of the Church of St. Theodore.
In all the churches of our Metropolis the Christmas Messages prepared by our Metropolitan, His Grace Ignatius, were heard in which it was emphasized: “Before the coming of man on earth, “God planted Paradise in Eden, in the East, and placed there the man whom He created”. And within that wonderful garden planted by God, “made to grow out of the ground every pleasing tree to the sight that yield good fruit to eat.”
But when “Christ came on earth”? Oh Then! Instead of Eden, Bethlehem! Instead of the warmth of Paradise, the wet and cold cave! Instead of the savor of Paradise, the smell of the stockyard! Instead of blinding light of the days of Paradise, the dark veil of night! And the Planter of the Paradise, when he came upon the earth, was accepted by the poor manger of the irrational animals!
Do we ever feel that Christ came from the heavens to earth, with these most humble and poor conditions to exalt man from earth to heaven? “God become man so that Adam might become God“, notes St. Athanasius the Great. But, from God by grace, as St. Paul says, “we receive the sonship”.
Deacon Joan Qako