On December 26, 2013, the 15th annual festival of the Albanian Orthodox Youth “Sons of Light”, under the care of His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios, was held in the amphitheater of the new “Resurrection of Christ” Cathedral in Tirana.
    Many different Orthodox youth groups participated in this festival, such as from: Tirana (the Choir and the Orchestra of Radio “Ngjallja-Resurrection”), Durrës, Berat, Vlora, Elbasan, Fikas (the villages of Elbasan), St. John Vladimir (Elbasan), Gjinar (Elbasan), the “Holy Cross” High Schools in Gjirokastra and in Sukth (Durrës), the Theological Academy in St. Vlash (Durrës), the School “Homer” and “Plato” from Korça, and children from the “Home of Hope” in St. Vlash (Durrës).
    This festival was attended by Archbishop Anastasios, the Metropolitan of Berat, His Grace Ignatius, by the Bishops: Nicholas, Anthony, Nathaneil, and Asti and many young people, parents and believers.