On November 27, 2013, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, led by Patriarch Bartholomew, decided to record in the Hagiology of the Orthodox Church the Hieromonk Porphyros Kafsokalyvitis (1906-1991), and the Hieromonk Meletios of Rhodes (late eighteenth century), in this way placing them among the saints. The Synod decision determined that the memory of St. Porphyros Kafsokalyvitis will be honored by the Orthodox Church on December 2 and the St. Meletios of Rhodes on February 12, the dates of their departure from this world.

    The Metropolitan of Philadelphia, His Eminence Meliton, a member of the Council of the Holy Patriarchate who deals with canonical issues, said: “The basic criterion for sainthood was that recognition has been made by the full consciousness of the Church throughout the Orthodox world.”