The theme of the camp was, “I am a Citizen of the Kingdom of God”. The camp had a very rich program with prasyers, songs, lessons, games, art and crafts activities and cocktail. During this camp the children learned how to journey towards their true home, which is the Kingdom of God. They also learned about the commandments of God and how to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God, as well as how to live the Christian life filled with love for one another.
Every part of the program conveyed a message to them. The songs taught them about God’s love for us, and how to give glory to God by singing. The games taught them how to cooperate with one another and the art and crafts were connected with the lesson of the day and made children think in a creative way. One of the most beautiful moments of the program was when children did the presentation of their art and crafts. They presented to their friends and teachers their work and their creativity in singing, reciting poems etc.
The camp organized a very special picnic on one of the days in the beautiful natural setting close to the River Shkumbin. During this day children held the olympic games, walked and rested in the beautiful nature and danced. This camp ended with offering thanks to the people who had made possible the camp. Father Eliodor Demiri organized the camp, and some of the leaders of the girl’s camp in Saint John Vladimir of Elbasan, and students of Theological Academy assisted as well. The main person responsible for this camp was Armand Oga.
Armand Oga