It has become a tradition for our country to host a group of 15 orthodox students from U.S, who study in different theological schools. These students were led by Father Luke Veronis who has served for 10 years in Albania and is now professor of theology. They came to watch closely the progress of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania under the direction of Archbishop Anastasios. This trip was part of the mission course that they have in their school. This group made various visits in different metropolis and in our theological schools, particularly focusing on meetings with Orthodox youth.
On May 30, they visited the city of Berat participating in a conference organized by the Holy Metropolis, with the blessing of Bishop Ignatius. At the Cathedral of St. Demetrios were held the lectures for diocesan priests and priestesses. Afterwards they were part of an event that took place in the church of St. Spyridon in Gorica neighborhood. They continued the conversation with young people and students. Part of the program was also a performance by the school’s choir of Byzantine music, as part of the promotion tour that was organized with a purpose of attracting new candidates in this school. After visiting the castle tower of the city of Berat, the event ended with the lunch filled with greetings, songs and psalms.
On June 2, young people from the U.S were invited for one day meeting with the youth of the Archdiocese of Tirana. This conference was attended by 200 people, which are active members of youth groups over 16 years old, coming from Tirana, Shkodra, Durrës, Kavaja, Elbasan, as well as their surroundings and the Theological Academy students.
The program began with the Divine Liturgy, and in the new environments of the Cathedral “Resurrection of Christ” was held the first presentation. Then the youth went to the Spiritual Center “Thavor”.
At first was held a lecture by two American students, with the theme: “The love of God and our relationship with God and one another”. After that the young people were separated in 6 groups in which were introduced more closely with each other and discussed together their experiences in the countries where they lived. In front of them it was also presented program of Byzantine music. Part of this meeting was also the Bishop of Bylis, His Grace Asti and Father Alkiviadhi Kalivas, professor of theology from the U.S.
Father Kalivas in his speech emphasized that, “Orthodoxy is not simply a religion, but a way of life. It is about being a population of love; relationships can be built only when there is love and truth. Think about your life, do big things and good things, stand faithful to God and to yourself, and do not be satisfied with small things. Think and do great things for yourself, for your family, for your country and for the holy Church “.
The greeting of Bishop Asti closed this meeting. He thanked the U.S group who participated in this event. He spoke of the contribution and the role of Archbishop Anastasios, from whom this activity was held and the students from America saw closely the resurrection of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania. He also thanked all the young people for their participation in the activity, asking them to build stronger friendships in these activities.
On June 3, the group of young people from the U.S in Tirana had a warm meeting with the Archdiocese Orthodox clergy. On June 4, they took part in the Fair and in the services of the feast of St. John Vladimir, the monastery dedicated to the saint, close to Elbasan. On June 5-th, the U.S team traveled to Korça, where the next day they participated in an Orthodox youth activities and had a meeting with the clergy of the Metropolis.
Jani Meni