The children had many activities in this program. They sang together songs for Pascha and they repeated many times the great hymn of the feast, “Christ is Risen”, they danced, they acted out dramatically the story of Pascha, they recited, and they played together etc. The children participated also in a cocktail. Children were saying to one another with so much joy and with red eggs in their hands, “Christ is Risen, Truly He is Risen”. Everywhere the joy of the feast was felt. Their faces were smiling and the staff of this office was serving full of zeal. The participants gave thanks to God and were very grateful to Archbishop Anastasios as well for this activity and for all the activities during the year in the Kids Clubs. At the end of the program a booklet related to Holy Week was offered to the parents.
Ana Meni
Edited by Anastasia Pamela Barksdale