Together with His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios, members of the Holy Synod took part in the reception: Bishop Nicholas, Bishop Anthony, Bishop Nathanel, Bishop Asti as well as other members of the clergy.
Prime Minister, Mr. Sali Berisha, the Parliament Speaker, Ms. Topalli, and the Mayor of Tirana, Mr. Basha came to offer their wishes, while the President, Mr. Bujar Nishani sent wishes by his advisers.
Wishes were given by the President of the Socialist Party, Mr. Edi Rama, by the Ministers Halim Kosova and Visar Zhiti, by other party presidents, and by the Rectors of Universities, Dhori Kule and Jorgaq Kaçani etc.. Also the U.S. Ambassador, Mr. Arvizu and many other diplomats came to offer their wishes.
As it is in the tradition for religious coexistence in our country, wishes were conveyed by representatives of other religious communities. While the Apostolic Nuncio in Albania, Archbishop Ramiro Ingles, delivered a letter from Pope Francis I to Archbishop Anastasios.
In this festive atmosphere Prime Minister Mr. Sali Berisha said among other things: “Resurrection of Christ is the holy day of the orthodox and other Christian believers, but even of all those who trust in God and mark on this day eternity, hope, faith and the future. This is a special occasion to express to His Beatitude, the Head of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania Archbishop Dr. Anastasios the deepest gratitude for the great job done in the revival of the Orthodox Church of Albania and for his great dedication to helping Albania and the Albanians during all this period in all aspects”.