In the new edition of the newspaper “Ngjallja”, February 2013, you will be informed about:

– The Cross Has Been Damaged, which Marked Where an Orthodox Church Previous Stood in Fikas of Elbasan – by the Orthodox Clergy and Believers of Elbasan.

– I Have Never Heard of any Orthodox Who Attacked or Have Written Against any Other Religious Community – by Archbishop Anastasios.

– The Feast of the Three Hierarchs Was Celebrated Solemnly in the Church of the Evangelization of the Theotokos, in Tirana.

 – “Marriage Week”, An Event that Included Our Church – by Ana Meni.

– The Church and the Kingdom of God – by Archimandrite Kozma Sovjani.

– Protest of the Orthodox Faithful of Berat directed to INSTAT and the Red and Black Alliance (Aleanca Kuqezi).

– Interview of the Metropolitan of Korça, Bishop John, Given to the Magazine “Java”, dated. January 12, 2013.

– When Policy Provokes – by Dr. Vasil Tushi.

– Contribution in Journalism, as well as Religious Coexistence and the Orthodox Community – by Julia Lila.

– Base and Malicious Slander –Statement by the Orthodox Clergy of Elbasan.

– On the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI – by the Archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, Anastasios.

– From the Last Letter of Pope Benedict XVI Sent to Archbishop Anastasios.

– The New Church of the Recluse St. Niphon from Lukova and St. Athanasios – Lukova.