In the eighth year of operation, the 9-year Greek-Albanian school “Spirit of Love”, near the church of St. George, Durrës, has opened for the first time this year an innovative physics and chemistry laboratory, for the purpose of teaching. The Church High School “Holy Cross” in Sukth of Durrës, has increased the number of computers in the computer lab, and is using special base materials on the subject of chemistry.
The Professional High School “Apostle Paul”, in the village of Mesopotam in Delvina, this year because there were a large influx of immigrants, young people who returned to Albania as a result of the economic crisis in Greece has seen an increase of student that have started studies in this educational institution of our Church.
Special news comes from the Albanian-American Schools “Protagonists” in Tirana, which for the first time opened a high school, extending the number of years of experience of the 9-year school. So far there is a high interest of students to enroll in the first year. Other schools established under the care and comprehensive support of Archbishop Anastasios opened their doors for students with all didactic and professional staff.
Our Holy Orthodox Church gives great importance to the education of all ages. With the help and funds raised by the Archbishop, throughout the entire country over the years various schools have been opened, worth mentioning are: the 9-year-old and the Albanian-American Lyceum “Protagonists”, in Tirana; another 9-year school, Greek-Albanian “Spirit of Love”, near the church of St. George in Durrës and another in Gjirokastra;, the High Schools of the Church, “Holy Cross” in Gjirokastra and in Sukth of Durrës; and the professional High School, “Apostle Paul”, in the village of Mesopotam in Delvina.
Isidor Koti