In the new edition of the newspaper “Ngjallja”, January 2013, you will be informed about:

–    Christmas 2010

–    Patience With Compassion Heart – by Archibishop of Tirana, Durrës and all Albania, Anastasios
–    Majestic Celebration of Christmas in the Premises of the New Cathedral “Resurrection of Christ”
–    Blissful Celebration of the Birth of the Savior Jesus Christ in Berat – by Joan Qako
–    Blissful Celebration of the Birth of the Savior Jesus Christ in Korça –by Themistokli Bambulla
–    We Cannot Be Silent Before of the Irresponsibly of the AKZ (Red and Black Alliance) – The Declaration Represents
a High Risk for the Future of Religious Freedom in our Country – by Dom. Gjergj Meta
–    An Interview for “Shekulli” Newspaper, by Prof. Dr. Tritan Shehu
–    Jesus the Light of the World– by Father Kozma Sovjani
–    What More Should We Expect! – by Thoma Dhima
–    Sections of the Onufri Mosaic in the Church of Saint Parashqevi in Valsh of Elbasan Stolen and Seriously Damaged – by Gentian Stratobërdha, Respomsible Person for the Heritage of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania
–    The Response of the Orthodox Clergy of the Archdiocese of Tirana to Recent Slander
–    Attempts to Distort Reality
–    The Justice and the Truth in Themselves Are Inalienable, and Time Always Reveals Them – by the Intellectuals of Korça
–    Prof. Dr. Alexander Meksi: “Onufri” the Greatest Crime in the History
–    Promoting of the Publication of the Facsimile Codex
–    Theophany Was Celebrated in the New “Resurrection of Christ” Cathedral for the First Time
–    The Great Feast of Theophany Was Celebrated in Berat, Korça and Saranda