On Friday afternoon, the 21st of December, in the great auditorium of the Cultural Center of the “Resurrection of Christ” Cathedral in Tirana, a documentary on the mosaics was shown by iconographers Josif and Liljana Droboniku, who created the mosaic in the dome of this Cathedral.
    Once the documentary on the screen had ended, you felt engulfed by the wonderful emotions that were evoked by the accomplishment of this majestic work of art. It is a film that belongs to each of us about the fragile years of the path to democracy. This is the story of the artists who experienced the great fracturing from the monism of communism to democracy from which they emerged victorious. What had been previously revealed of the Droboniku artists was just the tip of the iceberg. The greatest and, as yet undiscovered part would come later, especially during the years of democracy when they, unknown to anyone, would create that which was to become a valuable work of art indeed; one which will serve to meet the spiritual needs of people for generations.
    The documentary film begins with the Orthodox Cathedral in the center of Tirana, which has been added as a valuable architectural building in the center of the city. The dome of this famous cathedral makes one feel as though one is caught up in heaven. This magnificent work of the painters, Josif and Liljana Droboniku, depicts God Almighty, in a dignified artistic manner.
    I have known Liljana since kindergarten and Josif since we worked together in the Kinostudja “Shqipëria e Re”. I felt proud of the wonderful creative work of this couple at the time of their immigration. They were faced with an enormous work and so beautifully completed the painting of dozens of churches in Calabria. The spectator touches with his hand the huge success of this artistic couple’s paintings and in their iconographic techniques for Byzantine frescos, one is reminded of the talent and art of the great painter of the Middle Ages, Onufri.
    The documentary retells with special emotions the Golgotha of their life, its first strenuous efforts. The touching biographic facts remain in your mind; how when the family moved to Italy in the middle of a fierce winter, not even one door of a hotel was opened to them.  But, where ever a good man is there is a guardian angel. An Italian family in the north of Italy opened the door of their home, moved especially by the two little girls who were almost frozen in the snow. And in another case when they were worn-out by all of the struggles and had decided to return home, on the train they were given the address of a priest in Calabria who could help them to work in their profession. In this way the miracle happened that the Droboniku couple become so helpful in Calabria that they decorated the lives of the believers by painting many of the churches in this region.
    Then their fame began to be recorded and came on the ears of His Beatitude Anastasious, Archbishop of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, who entrusted to the Albanian artists a great endeavor; to be the authors of the largest mosaic in the Balkans. In the dome of the largest Cathedral of the Orthodox Church in Albania, a gigantic mosaic, a work of art, was to be created by the Droboniku couple, who travelled from Calabria to Tirana. Their two daughters, who are already helping their parents, were also included in this work, together with a small ensemble of assistants who worked full of passion and dedication.
    We have followed with interest the founding of the Orthodox Cathedral which has been under the constant parental care of His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios, who after the reestablishment of a full network of Orthodox churches throughout the entire country, which had been destroyed, arrived at this work, culminating in the center of the Albanian capital of Tirana. In one of his interviews in the film, Archbishop Anastasios says among other things that there are three keys to the success of a great work: love, beauty and truth!
    The interviews in the film fulfill in a beautiful way not only information about the life of artists, Josif and Liljana Dobroniku, but also the unique history of the building of the Holy Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.
    The film conveys many important messages. The Director Ylli Pepo, being erudite in the language of film, this time has used a beautiful emotionally figurative perspective. We see Tirana under the guise of the color blue, like a heavenly light. Even the mosaic in the dome of the magnificent cathedral is embellished on a blue background. The Almighty Lord of Heaven and Earth reaches His apex in the expressive language of the artistic!
    The movie, “The biggest Mosaic in Balkan” is a nice gift on the eve of the great and widespread feast of Christmas. Happily we celebrate all together, with respect and love for all the other religions which are in such unity in Albania, as in no other country in the world.
    Seeing this film one understands better that from love for God and for one another, comes the beauty of human life. Rejoice Always!

Angjelina Papalilo