The Feast of Theophany on January 6th is the day when all creation is sanctified with the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ. This day hundreds of people participated in the Divine Liturgy and the Service of Sanctification of the Waters despite the dense rain of the day. The Church of the Annunciation in Tirana was filled with believers, (both inside and outside the church) who came to celebrate the feast of the “Lord of Light.” The faithful gathered in a festive atmosphere to worship God and to share in the message of this feast given in the Service of the Blessing of the Water.

    His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios celebrated the Divine Liturgy and the Service of Sanctification of the Waters accompanied by the clergy. He explained to the faithful that the day of the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ signified the beginning of His saving mission. The feast is called the “feast of light” because God is the light and has appeared unto us. He appeared revealing the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The Father witnessed that Jesus is not merely a man, but theanthropos, both God and man, in whom the divine and human nature are united.

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    Even in the city of Durrës, hundreds of believers gathered at the Durrës port to celebrate with majesty the feast of the Blessing of the Water. This year, the cross was found by Fatjon Bushi, student of engineering in Tirana.

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    This feast was also celebrated with majesty in the city of Korça. The celebration started with the traditional Mass at the Cathedral of this city, lead by the Metropolitan of Korça, His Grace John Pelushi. Although temperatures were below zero degrees, many young people challenged the cold waters to found the cross. The cross was found by Gentjan Gora.
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    While in the city of Berat the cross was thrown from the bridge of Gorica and was found by 35-year old man Edmond Gjeçi.  Even though the weather conditions were not very good, this feast was celebrated with solemnity. For all the participants it was a very special day.

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    In Gjirokastra, the services of this feast took place within the church, because of the bad weather.
Translated by Ana Meni