Theophany, the baptism of our Saviour Jesus Christ, is one of the greatest feasts of the liturgical year. That is why all Orthodox people give a special importance to this feast, in which the beautiful traditions of the Church are united with folk traditions.
    This feast, which is otherwise known as the day of Blessing of the Water, gives a special glow to the historic city of Berat that is not seen on any other day of the year.
    The Church services were conducted in the two main churches of the city, in the Church of St. Spyridon and at the Cathedral of St. Demetrios, under the direction of the Metropolitan of Berati, Vlora and Kanina, His Grace Ignati. The sermon of the day emphasized: “Before the coming of Jesus Christ into the world, it was preceded by a great and prolonged period of preparation. God prepared humanity in so many ways to accept the Redeemer. Especially, He prepared the people of Judea, where He was to send His Son. And the last important action of this preparation was the coming of Saint John, the Baptist, who, in the wilderness of Judea, invited people to be ready to accept the Savior. When John was asked by the Jews, from whom did you learn about Christ? He said, He who sent me to baptize with water said to me: “He on whom you see the Spirit descending as a dove from heaven and remain on Him, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.” For this reason the Holy Spirit came, it was not the first time that He  came down, to reveal Him for whom the prophets had preached, and to make Him known to all. Thus, the Lord came to be baptized. “
A great many believers participated in the services that began in the early hours of the morning and an opportunity to take the Holy Water that will accompany them throughout the year.
     The culmination of the celebration is definitely the throwing of the cross into the waters of Osumi River from Gorica’s bridge. This act that symbolizes the blessing, through the Cross, of all the waters fits perfectly with the geographic conditions of our city, drawing pilgrims to Berat from all over Albania.  “Republic” Boulevard was permeated with so much grace from the procession of clergy and the many believers to the place where the cross was thrown, and with courage the eleven boys who boldly challenged the freezing temperatures and tried to catch the cross.
    On their return, this procession was joined by the Minister for Innovation and Technology, Information and Communication, Mr. Genc Pollo, the Vice President of the National Assembly, Mr. Nasip Naço, the Rector of the University of Tirana, Mr. Dhori Kule, the Major of the city of Berat, Mr. Fadil Nasufi, the County Prefect, Mr. Bujar Hoxhaj, representatives and numerous local and central authorities.
    A special reception on the occasion of this great feast was held for the believers and the aforementioned authorities at the premises of the Archdiocese by the Bishop of the Diocese of Berat, His Grace Ignati.