Every year Easter is celebrated in Albania in a magnificent way. In the middle of the night on Saturday, thousands of people gather to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ in all the Orthodox churches of Albania. During Holy Week the believers throughout Albania prepared spiritually for the celebration of Pascha.
    In Tirana this moment takes place in the Cathedral of the ‘Evangelization of Theotokos’, when hundreds of people come to hear the good news that ‘Christ is Risen’.
    At the Cathedral of Tirana hundreds of believers participated each day during Holy Week, and by Holy Thursday and after, more and more people were participating in the services. Each day of the Holy Week brought a strong message for us. It began with the Human Triumph when Christ goes to Jerusalem, on the Sunday of Palms, and ends with the Heavenly Triumph when the angels say to the myrrh-bearing women, “Women, why are you weeping”? Christ is Risen!
    The preparation of the believers to participate in the Passions of Christ was great. To hear the Passion of Christ was once more truly an inspiration and brought a new understanding about the great sacrifice that Christ has made for each of us. On Holy Saturday night the Archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and all Albania, Anatasios brought the Good News that Christ is Risen, and thousands of believers with one voice replied ‘Truly He is Risen’.
    Thus the Feast of Pascha began and Orthodox believers celebrated together with their families and friends. At the Holy Archdiocese in Tirana many people attended a reception on Sunday to give their best wishes to Archbishop Anastasios, to the clergy and to all the Orthodox people of Albania as they do every year. Everyone wished from the heart to have more hope in God and between each other. Visitors were diverse throughout Albania. The Prime Minister, Mr. Sali Berisha, visited the Archdiocese in Tirana and extended his best wishes to Archbishop Anatasios and from there to all Orthodox Christians. Many different representatives of the political parties, of other religions and of different high positions also came to visit and offer their best wishes. The President of Albania, Mr. Bamir Topi extended his best wishes to the Bishop of Korça and to all Orthodox people from the city of Korça.
    Christ is Risen was heard on Saturday Night and continues to be heard strongly every day after Easter for 40 days. In this country where the Resurrection of Faith in Christ is strongly felt, Pascha this year was once more a great blessing to all.  
Christ is Risen! Krishti u Ngjall!