Most of the students who have graduated from this school are employed.

    Twelve years ago through the initiative and care of Archbishop Anastasios the Professional Institute “Spirit of Love” (in Tirana, and in Gjirokastra), were established in which more than 1,000 students have been prepared. Two years ago through Archbishop Anastasios’ initiative and care the school for higher education named “LOGOS” University began functioning.

   On October 15, in the reception hall of “Logos University,” the opening of the new school year with the first year students commenced. Registrations have closed and in the first year alone so far about 100 new students have been registered and every day there are new requests. At this ceremony the Rector, Prof. Dr. Ilia Telo gave a speech, in which he thanked the students for choosing this school. Among other things he said:

    “This was a very good choice for the following reasons:

1. We have a qualified and dedicated academic staff: This assessment was made by a German expert when our school was accredited.
2. Our school is licensed and accredited by the relevant authorities. In July of this year approximately 150 students were the first to graduate and most are employed in accordance with the needs of the labor market.
3. Our school has very good facilities, auditoriums, laboratories, computer equipment, an English language library and literature in foreign languages etc.
4. LOGOS  has established cooperative relationships with universities throughout the country, as well as outside. It is noteworthy to mention the agreement with the Universities of Piraeus and Thessaloniki with whom, among other things, we are looking forward to organizing together the master programs for our students.
5. Our school prepares students not only theoretically, but also practically. The students of our school perform their medical practices in specialized laboratories, while those studying economics, in a serious major or important company, etc.
6. Our school has reasonable fees, lower than other universities.
The word “logos” is derived from Ancient Greek and means “study, analysis, research”. For this the reason, we want to prepare specialists, researchers, analysts and not just simple technocrats.

    You need to study systematically. From my long experience in pedagogy, I advise you that things which are learned quickly, are forgotten quickly; while those that are studied systematically, become your permanent property.

    In conclusion, I want to emphasize that we undertake to prepare you for life. Also you need to learn English well, because the Master programs, in collaboration with the other universities, will be in English.

    Then the Vice Rector and Dean of the Economics Faculty, Prof. Beatrice Pollo, wished all the students a successful new academic year, but also pointed out that “Logos” is a University with strong discipline.