During this icy cold winter season, Christian believers take warmth from the rays of the Sun of Righteousness. The Sun rises to illuminate all nations without exception. Let’s open the doors of the spirit and to allow Him to enter within us to melt the ice of our selfishness.
    The incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ was celebrated in the city of Durrës in an atmosphere of prayer and joy. At the Church of the “Apostle Paul & St. Asti” in Durrës during the Lenten period, which precedes this feast, the Sarandari (celebration of the Divine Liturgy for 40 days) was held in which many faithful families took part. During this time a continuous prayer was begun for the 24-hours of each day, in which many believers were organized to pray at all times of the day and night.
    On Christmas Eve, December 24th, children and youth of the catechism program went to the houses of the believers to spread the joyous news of the Birth of the Savior Jesus Christ. Bearing the icon of the Nativity of Christ in their hands and singing traditional Christmas songs, they visited numerous houses for several hours. From the collection of the contributions of the faithful, they prepared 70 food packages, which were given to some families in need.
    The tolling of the bells in the early hours of the morning of December 25th announced to all believers the beginning of the Divine Liturgy on the occasion of this great feast, referred to sometimes as the Small Passover. The Liturgy was led by Father Spiro Tola. At the end of the Liturgy the children of the catechism program sang and wished a blessed Christmas to all the believers.
    The official reception ceremony began at 10:00, welcoming the local authorities of the city of Durrës, as well as the benefactors of the Church. Listening to psalms and Christmas carols and with glasses of cheer in their hands, all the guests exchanged wishes for a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
    These wishes we offer to all Christians around the world. May we allow the Divine Child who was born in a manger be our model and guide in the New Year 2013.  Heartfelt wishes from the clergy and faithful people of the city of Durrës.

Theano Kostoli