On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the enthronement and the 80th anniversary of Georgian Patriarch, His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II, Georgian Patriarchate organized from 10-13 January 2013 a festive program filled with many activities.
    In these celebrations attended by the Ecumenical Patriarch, his Holiness Bartholomew; the Patriarch of Serbia, his Beatitude Irine; the Archbishop of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Mr. Christopher; and Metropolitan and Bishops representatives of the Patriarchates and Autocephalous Churches. Albania church attended by the Bishop of Gjirokastra, His Grace Demetrius, and Bishop of Bylisi, His Grace Asti.
    These days turned into festive days, not only for the Orthodox Church but also for the entire country, where the state and all media paid a great importance to these celebrations. Let us remember that Orthodox believers account for over 90% of the country’s population. The delegations of the Orthodox Churches were honored and welcomed in the receptions and official dinners with the top leaders of the state, the President of the Republic Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili, the Prime Minister Mr. Bidzina Ivanishvili and the National Assembly Chairman Mr. David Usupashvili.
    The festive program in honor of the Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia was filled with many activities, among which the scientific symposium at the University of the Patriarchate “Apostle Andrew”, the festive concert at the Palace of Culture of the capital, visits to churches, monasteries, in the historical ascetic centers of Georgia etc..
    The program culminated with the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy on Sunday, 13th of January that was held at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi in the capital of Georgia, in the presence of tens of thousands of believers. It is worth to be mention that many believers who fill the churches are young people and children. At the end of the Liturgy, all hierarchs representatives of the Orthodox churches on behalf of the primates of their respective Churches addressed the honored person, Patriarch of Georgia, with greeting speeches and gifts. The representatives of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, read the message of Archbishop Anastasios addressed to His Beatitude Mr. Ilia, Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi and Catholicos Patriarch of All Georgia, by giving as a gift also a copy of the facsimile edition of Codex of Korca, 10-th century.