On September 6, the new school year started for all pupils and teachers in our country. They consider the beginning of the school as a very significant day in the long and challenging way of knowledge. The educational institutions pertaining to our Church are ready once more to prepare people to gain a scientific education but also a spiritual culture in order that they contribute with dignity to their society in the future. For many years now this has been the single goal which has motivated Archbishop Anastasios to provide the children and youth with the best conditions in the so-called ‘laboratories’ of spiritual and moral upbringing. Following the tradition of the past, the beginning of the new school year was marked by the blessing of the schools with Holy Water.
    The Albanian-American school, ‘The Protagonists”, in Tirana has provided this year not only modern teaching venues, but also two new science laboratories for chemistry and physics as well as a gym. Further efforts are being made to have one more laboratory for the subject of biology and a school library. There have been made a lot of requirements on the part of the children for studying in this school which makes their number higher each year. A novelty of the school is that all papers are made ready to make possible the opening of a higher level of studies in the same building. So that the children who are already attending their 9-year course of studies could further continue their studies in the same school but at a higher level the following year. In addition this school has also its web-page in which one could find all the necessary information regarding the school: www.protagonistschool.org.
   The Albanian-Greek school ‘Spirit of Love’ , in Durrës has begun another school year with the aim to maintain its good reputation. The director of the school, Mr. Kristaq Mile told us that the teachers of the school have done their best to fulfill the needs of pupils. The church on its part has provided all the necessary facilities.
    The Albanian-Greek school ‘Spirit of Love’, in Gjirokastër has started this new school year with five classes and about 70 pupils. It is located in the surroundings of the Metropolis of Gjirokastër. In addition to the common subjects, pupils study computer science and foreign languages. As one of the directors of the school, Ms. Zaharulla Çuri said, the school provides all the necessary facilities and modern teaching venues to help pupils in the process of knowledge-gaining.
    The Ecclesiastical High school ‘Holy Cross’ in Sukth in Durrës, started this school year with the motivation to prepare skillful pupils for the Church and the society. Its director, Mr. Niko Perdhiku said that the pupils who finish their studies in this school will be capable to follow their studies not only in the public universities but also in the Theological Academy ‘Resurrection of Christ’ in St. Vlash in Durrës, because the aim is to have people who are capable in life but who could also serve the Church. Ten new pupils coming from all over the country became members of the school this year along with the rest of the pupils.
    The Ecclesiastical High school ‘Holy Cross’ in Gjirokastër has normally started the new school year. We learned from the director of the school that pupils who finished their course of studies last year had very positive results and continue their studies in the higher level institutions in the country and abroad. On the first day of the school year, the Metropolitan of Gjirokastër His Grace Dimitri blessed the school with the Holy Water and had a conversation with the pupils and their parents and wished them a productive school year.
    The Profiled School “Apostle Paul” in Mesopotami, in Saranda opened its doors this year with a new major called Social and Health Service. The director of the school stated that a lot of students have shown big interest in all the majors because at the end of their studies they can easily get employed. The Metropolitan of Gjirokastër blessed the school and said to the pupils that, ‘You are very much blessed to have such a gift from His Beatitude Archbishop Anastasios. Your school has beautiful surroundings and modern laboratories. You should excel here so as to be helpful to your society. Ask your teachers for help so as to become skillful people’. 
Isidor Koti

Translated by: Juljana Pici