The 13th Annual Book Fair “Tirana 2010”, one of the largest cultural literary events, was held on November 11th to 15th. The main purpose of the Book Fair was to publicize and display, in the widest manner possible, books published in Albanian, especially new publications. For years, this event has served as the largest and most important venue of publicity for well-known and new authors.

    As in every other year, our Church also hosted a booth displaying the publications of our Church. In addition to books published in previous years, the new books were an important feature and attracted wide public attention.

   “Footprints from the Search of the Transcendental”, by Archbishop Anastasios, “Children in the Orthodox Church Today: An Orthodox Perspective” by Sister Magdalen, and “The Resurrection of the Orthodox Church in Albania” (DVD) from the Youth Office of the Archdiocese, were the most recent publication, and were accompanied by the latest editions of the magazines: “The Search – Kërkim” and “The Temple – Tempulli”, as well as other recent publications, drew the most interest at this fair.

    The person responsible for the booth of our Church during the Book Fair was the well-known writer, Gaqo Bushaka, who said that the public also showed interest in the previously published books. At the same time, the CD’s with Byzantine and Christian music for adults and children took a special place of interest, as well as new DVDs with films and documentaries that talk about various spiritual and historical topics of the Church.

    The students of the Theological Academy “Resurrection of Christ” and the Orthodox youth of Tirana were a great help in the presentation and maintenance of our booth, who by their dedication and volunteerism conveyed an image of quality to the attendees.
    During the Book Fair “Tirana 2010” more than 200 new publications were introduced, most of which were appearing for the first time. Over 40 thousand books were displayed in the respective booths, originating from about 100 publishing houses within Albania and 30 publishing houses outside the country.

Isidor Koti

Translated by Ana Meni

Edited by Anastasia Pamela Barksdale