The Academic Corps and students of Demokriti, the University of Thrakes in Greece, honored Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durres and all Albania, with the title Honoris Causa.  The ceremony in which he was awarded this title was held on March 31, 2009 in the central amphitheater of the University. His Grace, Metropolitan Dhimitri of Gjirokaster accompanied Archbishop Anastasios at this ceremony.
    The university’s auditorium was packed with professors, students, journalists, intellectuals from all over the region of Thrakes, and many others, all of whom closely followed the event with great interest, even though it lasted a good deal longer than expected.
    The Metropolitans of Komtini, Ksanthi, Aleksandropoli, Kavalla, Nevrokopi, as well as state and local officials and the Mufti of Komotini were among those present to honor Archbishop Anastasios.
   The Chancellor of Demokriti University in Thrakes, Mr. Konstandinos Simopoullos, Professor of Surgery, opened the ceremony with a speech stressing the intellectual world’s deep respect and gratitude for the work Archbishop Anastasios has done.  After he warmly welcomed His Beatitude to Thrakes, the chancellor went on to say that his self-sacrificing manner of life is mainly inspired by love for God and for man.  “In a time when all around us values are disregarded and the undervaluing of people is a common occurrence, Archbishop Anastasios is a positive exception”.  The chancellor went on to express the honor felt by the university and all of the region to have someone such as His Beatitude as part of their academic staff.
    Following this, the Metropolitan of Komotini read the message sent especially for this occasion by the Ecumenical Patriarch, His All Holiness, Bartholomew I.
    Professor of Criminal Law, Mr. Stefanos Pavllos, read the resolution of the Departments of History and Ethnology and that of Language, Philology, and the Culture of Peoples of the Black Sea.  Among other things he stressed that the resolution made by these departments to honor Archbishop Anastasios with Honoris Causa and in turn with his acceptance, the university itself was being honored.  Mr. Pavllos showed his deep respect as he referred to the Archbishop’s life and the respect that he shows for every person.  “This [the example of His Beatitude’s life] is in and of itself a most valuable lesson for our professors and students as they continue their studies and research.  Especially important in this regard is the example that the Archbishop has given as head of the Church of Albania, where he contributes to the peaceful interreligious coexistence in the Balkans.”
    Mr. Jorgo Papazoglou, Professor of Paleography and Head of the History and Ethnology Department described the life and works of Archbishop Anastasios.  Through his speech all those present came to know this living witness of a man of values who is totally dedicated to Christ.  Mr. Papazoglou expressed that in every place the Archbishop worked; in Africa, in Greece, and especially in Albania; in the Church or in the University classrooms, in all places he manifested these values, originality, and unconditional love.
    During the ceremony a short video documentary was shown to those present about the extraordinary work of the resurrection of the Orthodox faith in Albania.
    After the award was officially presented and the resolutions of the two departments were read, His Beatitude, Archbishop Anastasios also spoke.  He gave a speech with the title “Terrorism and fear – religious correlations”.  This speech was so contemporary that he surprised this refined and educated audience with a great deal of  information on developments in this field: with scientific analyses of phenomena, political comparisons throughout the world, and about the help that all religious communities are called upon to give in order to promote and protect the peace.  Again, the Archbishop pressed his idea, that has now become a basic tenet throughout the world in texts connected to this issue, that “the oil of religion should not be used to inflame the fires of war, but rather to heal the wounds of conflicts…”
    Archbishop Anastasios stressed that as to the Orthodox Church’s stance on these issues, our faith obligates us to love unequivocally every human creature and to respect every person and community regardless as to whether or not they believe and to what they believe in.  His Beatitude finished his speech saying,“We overcome fear with love.”
    This ceremony as well as Archbishop Anastasios’ entire visit in Thrake was followed closely by all the journalists of the region and national news correspondents.
    While he was staying in Thrake, the Archbishop also made a fraternal visit to the Diocese center of Komotini, Ksanthi, and Alexandropoli where he rejoiced at their successes in the local church.
“NGJALLJA” correspondent
Translated and Edited by Georgia Bendo