Thousands of Orthodox believers in Tirana participated in the services and events of Great and Holy Week 2009 which majestically culminated in the triumph of the Resurrection.  The faithful attended the services in the Annunciation Church where Archbishop Anastasios gave daily sermons and spiritual advice.
    So many people came this year that the faithful were reminded of the years after Communism when the church was first opened and thousands and thousands of believers came to the church thirsting to hear about our resurrected Lord. 
    On the night of Great Saturday, a few minutes before midnight the Archbishop read his Resurrectional message from a stage on Kavajas Street which had been set up for the outdoor portion of the service. He encouraged the people with his words, reminding them to “Fear not!” just as Christ and his angels had told the first believers and disciples.  Thousands of faithful with candles in hand filled the church, the church yard, and Kavajas Street.  After the message was read, the greeting: Christ is Risen! ~ Truly He is Risen! echoed joyfully through the air.  Following this, the Service of the Resurrection continued in the church, and those who were not present, were able to follow it live on the Albanian Public Television station.  Several other Albanian and foreign television stations also reported on the evening’s events.
    On April 19th, Pascha Sunday, His Beatitude Anastasios received visitors at the Archbishopric building.  Representatives from the various religious communities, politicians and other functionaries of the government came to congratulate the Archbishop and all Orthodox faithful for this important feast day.  Many diplomats, intellectuals, and believers came as well.
    The President, Mr. Bamir Topi, was celebrating the day in Korca and wished all the Orthodox faithful: “Happy Pascha! Many Years! I came to Korca to celebrate this special day with the Orthodox community here.  Naturally, I came here today because Korca has a very special atmosphere which we’ve seen year after year and once again last night. It is an atmosphere that is hard to find elsewhere and so I came to share this joy with you, the citizens of Korca.  I would like to reiterate what I have seen, perfect religious harmony which exists here in Korca as it does everywhere in Albania.  You can see this in the religious communities, and in the society, and in all the citizens.  This is an extraordinary accomplishment and a renewal of a tradition which we’ve always had.  May we have many more days as beautiful as this one!”
    Prime Minister Berisha, who was on official business in China sent his greetings as well: “Happy Pascha, the blessed day of the Resurrection of Christ, the day of eternity, the day of hope and faith in the Lord, faith in yourself and in each other, the day of faith in our nation.  This year we celebrate Pascha as a nation and a member of NATO.  Let us hope together that we will celebrate future Paschas better, with harmony and prosperity that Albanians deserve. Happy Easter to all!”
    The leader of the Parliament of Albania, Ms. Jozefina Topalli met Archbishop Anastasios in Tirana.  “The Day of the Resurrection is a deep and symbolic day.  In fact, Resurrection is light, it is hope, it is faith for every individual and every family, it is faith for the nation.  It is a resurrection for the nation and this day coincides with great events of renewal for the Albanian nation. I am very glad that in this term I will be able to pass the financing law of all the religious faiths. And this is a good thing in order to help and support their work, since they do the greatest work to bring our society the moral values which we all need.  Once again, Happy Pascha!”
Isidor Koti
Translated by Georgia Bendo
Photo: Nathan Hoppe