About 50 people, disabled people, organizers and members of the Orthodox youth were together from 26 – 28 of May for the activity: “The weekend of friendship”. In fact, a friendship that hasn’t started and ended in these three days, but is a continuation that started four years ago. This activity is an important part of the programs for the Orthodox Youth Office.
This year were more young people, meanwhile the oldest people had the place of honor, bringing their experience and their enthusiasm. The three days were a great fest, showing that life is beautiful even if you are living in the wheelchair, walking with crutches or suffering from psychological pains from words and graceless way of staring.
Young people of the Orthodox Church that organized in a great way the activity, were also protagonists of love that any Christian should have, giving the best example. This was learned and experienced from disabled people in these three days of friendship with the Orthodox youth, which offered everything from their hearts. The program was rich with conversations, discussions, getting to know each other, games and competition dances. One special place in this activity was the conversation with the director of the Orthodox Theological Academy, Bishop Ilia Ketri. He created a very warm environment with his wise words and with the histories and messages he gave that reached the disabled people. His Eminence appreciated the service and the presence of these persons in every aspect of their life, because in the suffering they offer everything from their self, as Christ, which gave the example of the highest love. He emphasized that it is so very important that in our lives we should share out time with people in need because like this we serve each other and our God.
All participants appreciated this activity and they suggested that it is important that this activity should have more people, because the disabled persons are many and they need to be active in their daily lives, for having new relationships and to offer their experience. Our Church is always near people in need with help and different cultural activities, educational and entertaining programs. The youth of the Orthodox Church, being present in this mission, they understand that under this example, with prayers and their presence, they offer the love of Christ.
Isidor Koti
Translated by Ana Kërçyku, Christina Pappas