June 5-7, 2015 Orthodox believers, but also lovers of art, had the opportunity to attend the concert of the two wonderful Russian choirs, who displayed a rich repertoire with classic, Christian and folk songs. They were the “Classica” Russian Chamber choir founded in 1980, with the artistic director and choir master, Mrs. Nina Koroliova, and the choir of the Moscow Conservatory, founded in 1994, under the direction and artistic leadership of Dr. Alexander Soloviev.

    The members of both choirs resided at the facilities of the St. Vlash Monastery, of the Theological Academy and the Myrrh bearers Skete. The very meaningful concert named, “The Voices of the Orthodox Russia in Albania”, began on June 5th in the city of Durres. The choirs started their day by visiting the Cathedral of Apostle Paul and St. Asti, where they sang Christian songs for the believers gathered there. Then, the director of the International Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Christian Nations, Mr. Valery Alexeev greeted those present. On behalf of the clergy and the believers, Fr. Spiro Kostoli greeted the visitors in Durres and spoke about the history of the city and of the churches. Also, Mr. Shpendi Topollaj, representing the society, “Albania – Russia Friendship”, recounted historical moments that have influenced the strengthening of the relationship between the two nations. Later on the visitors from Russia visited monuments of the city, the archeological museum and went on a stroll on the board walk.

    In the afternoon, around 7:00 pm, the first concert was held in the hall of the “Alexander Moisiu” City Cultural Center. The local authorities, various societies, religious communities and artists were present. The the hall was filled to capacity with many spectators standing. The opening address was made by the Bishop of Apollonia, His Grace Nikolla. He welcomed people that were present and emphasized that this activity is organized by the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania with the blessing of His Beatitude, the Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durres and all Albania. Later on, the director of the foundation IFUOCN Mr. Valery Alexeev recounted the choirs’ history. The Russian Ambassador in Albania, Mr. Alexander Karpushin, spoke about the friendship among the two nations and greeted the concert. Later on, the choirs continued with a diverse musical, coral, spiritual and cultural program. Their repertoire contained christian, classical and folk songs. The spectators followed with great interest their performances with frequent applause.

    The next day, the Russian choirs visited the antique city of Berat. Their first stop was the Cathedral of St. Dhimitri where they were welcomed by believers and clergy, who had the pleasure of enjoying their wonderful voices that chanted to God by interpreting well known religious works. Later on, the friends from Russia visited the castle with its many Orthodox churches.

    The Russian choirs attended the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Tirana, on Sunday, June 7th. There they chanted together with the two other choirs of the church. They were greeted and thanked by Archbishop Anastasios at the end of the Divine Liturgy. After the Divine Liturgy there was a reception by His Beatitude at the Holy Synod Headquarters for a warm conversation. Later on they visit the capital.

    In the evening, the two Russian choirs performed their concert in the hall of the Cultural Center of the Cathedral. Despite its huge capacity of about 800 spectators, the hall seemed very small compared with the large number of believers and art lovers who had come to listen and applauded heartily throughout the show. The choir of the “Classica” group opened the concert and were followed by the choir of the Conservatory Chamber of Moscow. The program was closed with pieces sung by both choirs. Archbishop Anastasios greeted the choirs and all the people that were present. The director of IFUOCN Mr. Valery Alexeev, conveyed the greetings of His Beatitude the Patriarch of Moscow Cyril and handed a symbolic gift from his hand to Archbishop Anastasios. Later on, Mr. Alexeev presented some books as a gift to the representative of the Tirana Municipality.

    The Moscow Conservatory Chamber choir

    The Moscow Conservatory Chamber Choir was formed in December of 1994 with the initiative of Prof. A. S. Sokolov and by Professor B. G. Tevlin (1931-2012) who was one of the most extraordinary coral conductors, People’s Artist of Russia, who led this choir until the end of his life.

    The choir is the winner of the Great Prize and a winner of two gold medals in the International Choir Competition in Riva del Garda (Italy 1998), winner of the first price and of the gold medal in the International Choir Competition named Brahms, in Wernigerode (Germany 1999), of the first World Choir Olympics in Linz (Austria, 2000) and of the XXII International Competition of Orthodox Christian Music in Hajnywka (Poland, 2003).

    The choir performs mostly works of Russian and foreign conductors like: E. Denisov, A.Lurie, N.Sidelnikov, I.Stravinsky, A.Schnittke, A.Schoenberg, V.Arzumanov, S.Gubaidulina, G.Kancheli, R.Ledenev, A.Tchaikovsky, R.Shchedrin, A.Eshpai, E.Elgar, C.Nyustedt, K.Penderecki, J.Svider, J.Tavener, R.Twardowski, E.Lloyd-Webber, etc.

    Since August of 2012, the artistic director of the choir is Alexander Soloviev, winner of the international competition, assistant professor of the modern coral art performances in the State Conservatory of Moscow.

    The Choir of the “Classica” IFUOCN

    “Classica” Chamber Choir was founded in 1980-s, when its first members began their education in first class of Moscow Musical School, nr 29, department of choir. Later on a cohort was formed composed of three classes which was the foundation of the choir. Gradually, from one department of choir a pedagogical musical collage was formed. The pupils became students and the children’s choir became the student’s choir. The choir celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2008.

    The “Classica” Choir has participated in many international competitions where they have won the following prizes: Athens, Greece 1994 (first place); Toloza, Spain 1995 (third place); Essen, Germany 1996 (first place); Nethania, Israel (first place and the Grand Prix); Rome, Italy 1997 (first place).

    It is in the tradition of the choir to participate in the Christmas and Easter Services in the churches in Moscow.

    The “Classica” Chamber Choir functions as part of IFUOCN. It has participated in concerts held on the occasion of Prize Distribution of the Foundation from 2001-2014 (The Cathedral of Christ the Savior) and in “The Orthodox Voices” held in Bulgaria, Great Britain, Cyprus, Germany, Macedonia, Poland, France, Serbia, Monte Negro, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Greece and Georgia.

    Nina Koroliova is the artistic director and the choir master of the “Classica” Chamber Choir. She is the winner of many international awards in canto and is a graduate of the Conservatory of Moscow.



– Durrës –

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– Durrës –

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 – Berat –

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– Tiranë –

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– Tiranë –

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