Archbishop Dr. Anastasios (Yannoulatos)
                                                                                         of Tirana, Durrës and all Albania

                                                                              Professor Emeritus of the University of Athens
                                                                 Honorary Member of the Academy (Science and Arts) of Athens

                                                                                      An Expression of Support to Patriarch Kirill

    To my great surprise, I have been informed that various groups and bloggers in Russia are attacking His Beatitude the holy Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, to undermine his pastoral activities.

    I have had the opportunity and the joy to know Patriarch Kirill for more than 44 years; as youth we were vice-presidents of the World Orthodox Organization “Syndesmos”. And in the years that followed, as priest, bishop and metropolitan, we both participated in the Central Committee and Assemblies of the World Council of Churches, in the group of Religious Leaders of Europe, and in official meetings of the primates of the Orthodox Churches. I always remember his gentleness, vital contributions, clarity of thought, his kind way of sharing ideas; capable and flexible, with respect for the other in dialogue and even in conflict.

    His election as Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia gave to many of us great expectations that through his solid character and charismata he could serve with wisdom the beloved Russian people leading them on the path to spiritual freedom, justice, and love, with creativity.

    It is really painful so many years after the end of the atheistic persecution to see again, in an Orthodox country, people who destroy sacred symbols, crosses and even proceed to provocative actions in order to ridicule the Orthodox Church and generally the Christian faith – such as in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow. These new attacks by militant secularists against the Church clearly do not contribute to the peaceful coexistence of religious and non-religious peoples, and do not offer a proper vision for modern society.

    As a sincere friend of the Russian people, I express my full support to Patriarch Kirill, being sure that the situation will change quickly like a passing cloud. The religious leaders are always at the center of the attention and criticism of all people, friends and enemies. Thus we, especially in critical times, are obliged to be continuously self-critical and improve our presence and efforts, ever faithful to the great Orthodox tradition that has as its main message, the continuous movement toward renewal, becoming initiators of reconciliation and the overcoming of the love for power through the power of love..

    Participating with all my heart in prayer, I wish that soon my beloved Brother in Christ Patriarch Kirill, using in the best way the gifts that God has given to him, will continue sharing the good news, radiating the light of love, beauty and truth of Orthodoxy in his every activity, helping his people to proceed to the common goal of a society of justice, freedom, and world solidarity.

                                                                                                                Tirana, November, 2012   
                                                                                                                Archbishop Anastasios
                                                                                  Primate of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania

                                                                                                President of the World Council of Churches
                                                                              Honorary President of the Conference for Religions for Peace