– The Title of Honorary Doctor given to Archbishop Anastasios by the University of Patriarchate “Apostle Andrew, the First Called”. –
    From the 11th to 15th of October 2010 a delegation from Orthodox Church of Albania made an official visit to the Orthodox Church of Georgia at the invitation of its Primate, His Beatitude, Ilia II, Archbishop of Mtskheta and Tbilisi and the Catholic-Patriarch of All Georgia. The delegation included: His Beatitude Anastasios, Archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, the Metropolitan of Gjirokastra, His Eminence Demetrius, the Bishop of Apollonia, His Eminence Nicholas and Archimandrite Asti.
    Patriarch Ilia, himself, together with a group of metropolitans and other Georgian clergymen received the delegation of our Church on October 11th at the airport in Tbilisi, where greetings and random interviews were given to television news media.
    A reception at the Archdiocese of the Patriarchate followed, and in the presence of representatives of Orthodox Churches both primates expressed great joy at this first official visit of the Church of Albania to the Church of Georgia to participate in this historic anniversary of the Georgian Church. Discourse continued, offering words of praise for both Churches; introducing and evaluating the life, the activities, the work, the efforts and leadership of the respective primates and their Churches.
   The patriarch emphasized among other things that: “Today for the first time the Archbishop of the Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania, Archbishop Anastasios, is visiting Georgia. He, who is a very popular figure everywhere, who is recognized in Orthodoxy and beyond, who is known as a very active figure and as a person with extensive formation…We know that the Church of Albanian was aggressively tested. We know that you didn’t find anything remaining in it. And we know that you have done a great work and have offered so much… May God bless the Church of Albania and your country of Albania”.

    Archbishop Anastasios emphasized among other things: “Today, with so much excitement and emotion, we are in the heroic country of Georgia that for 2000 has been living the mystery of the Divine Economy in Christ through the Holy Spirit… We thank you for your loving and brotherly feelings toward us and the Church of Albania… With great admiration in the Lord, we have followed the efforts, the patience and the creative progress of the Georgian people, and we admire the life and the support that the Holy Church of Georgia gives to its people in difficult situations… Just as you stated, the Albanian Church was totally persecuted by the communist regime… but with God’s help it has managed to be reestablish and to stand alongside the other churches…”.

    On October 12th, Archbishop Anastasios and the accompanying hierarchy participated in the International Scientific Symposium on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of the historic cathedral building, Svetitskhoveli, and 1700-anniversary of its founding, at the University of the Patriarchate “Apostle Andrew the First Called.” This symposium was combined with the consideration given to the Archbishop of Albania, His Beatitude Anastasios, of the granting of the title “Honorary Doctor”. After the words of praise and admiration directed to Archbishop Anastasios as a spiritual leader and scientific figure widely recognized by many universities, the honorific title was conferred by the President of the Academic Council of the University, Mr. S. Vardosanidze, with the affirmation: “For educational and scientific efforts and for the exceptional contributions to the theological education system, and in association with the symbol of the Gold Lion”. Then Archbishop presented before the academic body, guests and students his scientific paper, “The Spiritual Values of Europe and the Responsibility of Christians.” At the conclusion, Archbishop Anastasios donated several of his books to the University.

    October 13th, the delegation lead by Archbishop Anastasios visited the Museum of Art and Treasures of Georgia and the National Centre of Manuscripts. Later they visited two important historical churches in the capital city, Sion and Metekhi. Afterwards they visited the Theological Academy, in which study 600 students, where he was received by the teachers and the students. They invited Archbishop Anastasios to speak at an assembly. In the afternoon a grand reception had been planned for all delegations of the Orthodox Churches, accompanied by the Patriarch of Georgia, Ilia, in the new magnificent “Holy Trinity” Cathedral, newly built in the center of the capital. Thousands of believers, most of whom were young, filled the streets and the squares at the entrance of the cathedral, not out of curiosity, but because of their dedication and hope, and as an expression of faith and love towards Patriarch Ilia. In fact, it is quite characteristic of the close relationship of the youth with the Church of Georgia and their active participation in it, emphasized by expressions of devotion, faith, humility, love and respect for church life, and dynamic participation in the work and worship services.

   October 14th, more excitement and enjoyment for all was added by the celebration of the Divine Liturgy in the historic 1000-year-old cathedral. The cathedral is the symbol of Georgian Christianity; a Cathedral of many, many miracles and the enthronement of the Patriarchs and the coronation of the Georgian kings. Today another historic feature will be added to it, because all the delegations of the Orthodox Churches of the world will celebrate together, in own their languages, the Divine Liturgy.  A national holiday culminated the festive events of several consecutive days. Georgia was celebrating and rejoicing in its history and with it the guests were also rejoicing. Patriarch Ilia at the end of the liturgy presented Archbishop Anastasios, as the Primate of the Church of Albania; a sister Orthodox Church with similarities with the Georgian Church because they suffered for too long under the communist regime, and were completely destroyed, but now have arisen from the ruins, being resurrected. In the afternoon a great festive concert was held that was attended by all the country’s top personalities, among them, the President, Mikhail Saakashvili. Later a dinner was hosted by the Patriarchate and the Parliament for all Church delegations, for the Diplomatic Corp and the Georgian society.

    On October 15th, the Albanian delegation visited the province of Signa, the Monastery of Bodbe, a women’s monastery not far from the Caucasus Mountains. The tomb and the body of St. Nina, Equal to the Apostles, the illuminator of Georgia is located in this convent.

    During all our visits to the churches, we noticed that Georgians not only participated continually in the Church services, and that this participation was great, but also that they offer so much from themselves (time, interest, activity, employment and income), although their economy as a population was poor. They had love, commitment and respect for the churches and the clergy. This beautiful visit ended with joy, love and friendship in Christ, rich with emotion for the Orthodox Church of Georgia, “which continues throughout all these centuries with the spirit and joy of the cross and of the resurrection… A Church that has so much truth, beauty and love which must radiate across the globe”, as the Archbishop emphasized in one of his last interviews on the television channel of the Patriarchate “Ertsulevneba TV.”
Archimandrite Asti Bakallbashi

Translated by Ana Meni

Edited by Anastasia Pamela Barksdale