January 22 is the feast of St. Anastasios the Persian, and Albanian Orthodox believers celebrate on this special day the name of Archbishop Anastasios.
   On this occasion, in the church “Annunciation of the Theotokos”, in Tirana, was conducted the Divine Liturgy, which was attended by all members of the Holy Synod, the Bishop of Berati, his Grace Ignatius; the Bishop of Korça, his Grace John; the Bishop of Gjirokastra, his Eminence Demetrios; the Bishop of Apollonia, his Grace Nicholas; the Bishop of Kruja, his Grace Anthony; the Bishop of Amantia his Grace Nathanaili, the Bishop of Bylisi, his Grace Asti, the Secretary of the Holy Synod, Protopresbyter Jani Trebicka etc. In this Service took part clergy and laity, from all dioceses, churches and schools, the Theological Academy etc. At the end of the service, on behalf of the Holy Synod, His Grace Ignatius, gave the name day greetings to Archbishop Anastasios.
    During this liturgy, Archbishop Anastasios conducted the Service of Elevation of a Priest for Deacon Heliodor Demiri from Elbasan, who served for several years as a Deacon in Elbasan.
    The church was filled with believers, who had come to wish a long life and many years to His Beatitude Anastasios. All the believers had the possibility to give their wishes to Archbishop Anastasios at the reception that took place in the hall of the Church “Evangelization of Theotokos”. In the same place, Archbishop Anastasios welcomed also in afternoon personalities, politicians and many believers who had come to give their wishes for his name day.