After the Divine Liturgy many believers, local government representatives, representatives from different organizations and from political parties attended the reception hosted by the Church. Representatives of the religious communities came to offer greetings for Christmas. The greetings from the Catholic Community were conveyed by the Catholic Bishop of the South, His Grace Hill Kabashi. On behalf of the Muslim Community the Mufti of Vlora, Hito Shahaj offered the best wishes and from the Bektashi Community the best wishes were conveyed by the Secretary of the Community.
    Also in the city of Selenica the celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ’s birth began when the day of 25 December began. Children’s voices began to sing in every home of the city that in a cave in Bethlehem the Lord Jesus Christ was born. It is a tradition in this city that on this night the doors of the houses stay open in expectation of children who are signaling the Birth of the Lord. Singing a traditional song they go to every house holding the icon of the Nativity of the Lord, and the believers given different gifts. This night was very special to all believers. Children’s voices, like angelic voices, broke the darkness of the night and announced a new day, a day filled with light, with light emanating from the cave where Christ God was born. And every ray of light began to shine; many believers went to the hill above the town, where the Church of St. Athanasius is located, to participate in the Divine Liturgy held on this occasion. During the Liturgy the message of Metropolitan of Berati, Vlora Kanina and all Myzeqe, His Grace Ignati, directed to the clergy and all the hopefuls’ believers of this Diocese was read.
    The Metropolitan said, “My beloved sons in the Lord! Also this year the Christmas Feast has come and St. John Chrysostom invites us to celebrate together, saying: “Come celebrate! Come celebrate! Run after Him the Magis, run after Him even us. The star is also running to proclaim the Lord of heaven. I look at the Creator and the manger …The Baby’s crib and the diapers, the virgin despised. Great poverty… The rich became poor for our sake.”
     In conclusion the Metropolitan addressed the faithful with these words: “The whole of humanity was waiting to be released from the chains of sin by Christ. And for centuries He has offered power to the powerless; to the ill, health; to those dead from the sin, He offers new life and the everlasting joy of eternal life. “
    After the Liturgy, at the reception hosted by the Church many representatives of Local Government, heads of institutions and believers came to convey their best wishes for the Feast of Christmas,.
    Also in other churches of Vlora various ceremonies were held on this day. The Divine Liturgy was held at the Church of Saint Kyriaki in Narta lead by Father Dhimitër Kushi, at the Church of Saint Spyridon in Orikum lead by Father Jani Konomi, at the Church of Saint Spyridon in Mifol lead by Father Ilia Qirjo, at the Church of Five Martyrs in Bestrova lead by Father Luke Gjergji, in the Church of the Resurrection in Novoselë lead by Father Sotiraq Prifti and in the Church of Saint Nicholas in Poro lead by Father Sotir Prifti

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