Again this year for the Feast of Saint Vlash believers gathered at his monastery, not only from the surrounding area, but also from Divjaka, Berat, Elbasan, Tirana, etc. The celebration began on the evening of the 10th of February with the Great Vespers, the Blessing of Five Loaves, and the services of the Akathist Hymn, Small Compline and Prayers Before Holy Communion. The Divine Liturgy took place the next day. His Grace, Bishop Nikola of Apollonia was the celebrant at the Liturgy.
   The students of the “Resurrection of Christ” Theological Academy, together with the students of “Holy Cross” High School were responsible for the welfare of the feast, performing various services such as selling candles and other ecclesiastical items, chanting, and keeping order in the church.
    Within this festive atmosphere, Bishop Nikola offered several messages to the believers. During Vespers, he emphasized the need to love one another, but also, to love one another as Christ loved us, with sacrificial love. “God says that from this you will be known as my disciples, if you have love for one another.” The Bishop, speaking about Christian love, also referred to the work of Archbishop Anastasios, “who with just such an unconditional love came to Albania and from ruins rebuilt our Church.”
    It has been a tradition for several years now that at the end of the Liturgy one of fourth year students offers the sermon on this day. It was emphasized in the sermon that Saint Vlash is a living example for all of us to imitate; an athlete of faith, a witness of Christ who gave his life for his own faith.
     Then the faithful exchanged greetings and left, taking with them the very important messages that were given through the worship, readings and sermons of the Feast.