Dr. William Vendley, General Secretary of the Religions for Peace has asked for your help and support for the ARMS DOWN: Religions for Peace Campaign for Shared Security. The campaign is asking governments to reduce collectively by 1% their military spending and re-allocate those funds toward development in areas of abject poverty. We encourage you to read the attached email from Dr. Vendley and to sign the relative petition at www.armsdown.net, and to share this request with others. There are only 5 days left for the campaign as the petition will be presented to the General-Secretary of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon on 4 October 2010.
    With every prayer for peace in our world,
    Archdiocese of Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania.
    ARMS DOWN: Religions for Peace Campaign for Shared Security
    Dear Esteemed Colleague,
    Your voice for peace is critical as a person of faith. Today, the world’s governments collectively spend USD$1.6 trillion on their military budgets. By contrast billions of people continue to live in abject poverty.
    The Religions for Peace Global Youth Network has responded to this disparity with the Arms Down! Campaign for Shared Security. Arms Down! Calls on all governments to reduce their military expenditure by 10% at a rate of 1% per annum and then to re-allocate those funds toward development.
    Over 12 million people around the world have already given their support to Arms Down! in the past year.
    Your voice matters. Sign the petition today at www.Armsdown.net, and, if you have signed, encourage your networks – friends, family and colleagues – to sign too.
   There are just 5 days left for the Campaign. Help us reach our signature goal before the Campaign is presented to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, on 4 October, 2010.
    With appreciation for your partnership, I remain

Yours sincerely
Dr. William F. Vendley
Religions for Peace
Secretary General
777 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017 USA
Tel: +1 212-687-2163
FAX: +1 212-983-0098 | religionsforpeace.org